Child Care Testimony – Abraham

At a year old, Abraham was severely malnourished, weighed only 7.5 lbs and so weak that he could not sit on his own. Kind strangers visited his village, and upon finding him, took him out to a hospital for help. The elder of the village was so sure that the boy would die that he wondered why these strangers want to get involved and then be responsible when the baby dies. By the grace of God, there was massive improvement after the child was in their care and in less than two months he gained another 7 lbs. Abraham is now a smiling happy baby with a brighter future. The child is doing well under the care of a caregiver. Attempts have been made to reconnect him with his family but none of them seem to show interest in the child. Because the family still believes he has AIDS, they are afraid to take responsibility for him. Thank-you to you as supporters for your part in bringing aid to Abraham and pray that his family would recognize him for the healthy child he is and that he would be reconnected with them.